Keywords: financial technologies, financial market, FinTech industry, financial infrastructure, challenges and threats, digitalisation, sustainable development, financial inclusion


The world of FinTech is undergoing dramatic changes and faces its own unique challenges, obstacles to operations, fundraising and regulatory issues, and financial inclusion, including those caused by the effects of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine. Therefore, businesses have to evolve, responding to threats and challenges in a timely manner to increase profitability. Based on the analysis of the current landscape of the global financial market, the article identifies and systemises technologies that will stimulate the development of FinTech. Taking into account trends and developments in the market and regulatory environment of the FinTech industry, the article examines how FinTech companies can embark on a path of sustainable profitable growth in the long term and be a powerful foundation of the global financial market infrastructure, in particular, it outlines joint effective market initiatives that are effective in supporting the growth of the industry and scaling up the business of a FinTech company. It is concluded that flexibility, innovation and culture, which have been the basis for the breakthrough of the FinTech industry so far, should be decisive in the medium and long term. It is taken into account that the modern FinTech sector faces regulatory uncertainty. Last but not least, this was a consequence of the rapid spread of blockchain technology, and with it, cryptocurrencies. The regulators of various countries currently do not have a clear answer regarding the expediency and state regulation instruments of many segments of financial technologies. This position of the state also forces FinTech companies to transform their own corporate strategies. The article emphasises that in the domestic context, it is important to explore the prospects for expanding the use of digital technologies in cash flow tracking, payments and financial services, identity management, contracting and dispute resolution in customer interactions. That is why, despite the difficult conditions of martial law in Ukraine, the NBU continues to pursue a consistent policy aimed at developing the FinTech market and expanding the use of cashless payments.


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How to Cite
Babenko, A., Vovk , Y., & Marchenko, B. (2024). FACTORS AND CHALLENGES FOR THE FINTECH-INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (61). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-61-128