Keywords: tourism, tour, locations, travel company


Tourism has become an integral part of the economy for many countries around the world. Due to its cultural, historical, natural and architectural attractions, it is a popular holiday destination. However, it is also important to consider not only the material heritage but also the spiritual aspects, such as traditions, mentality and habits. Gastronomic tourism, a special type that is gaining popularity, is the focus of this work. The aim is to analyze the tourism potential of London and create a new gastronomic youth tour at affordable prices based on the existing research. For the purposes of this work, sociological surveys were conducted and the offers of tourist enterprises were investigated. No gastronomic tours exist from Ukraine to the UK. In addition, we analyzed relevant offers within the country itself and identified three gastronomic excursions in London. This proposed food tour is a new product on the country's tourist market. The choice of destination in the UK was motivated by several factors: the European location, which is popular with tourists; a stable political and economic environment; available prerequisites for a tour (history of English cuisine and various gastronomic options); a developed tourist infrastructure that dispels the myth that English cuisine is bland and uninteresting. A unique program has been developed that combines gastronomy and cultural and historical heritage. The proposed tour is a new addition to the country's tourism market, and based on research, it is argued that with a favorable political and socio-economic situation, a gastronomic tour of London will be in high demand. The program includes attractive gastronomic destinations, interesting sites, and UNESCO monuments, as well as free time for independent exploration. Gastronomic venues are selected based on traditional and contemporary trends in culinary arts. One of the benefits of our tour is its shorter duration, increased price transparency, and reduced traveler expenses. Gastronomic tourism is one of the main components in sustainable tourism development worldwide, which has the potential to attract new destinations and promote this type of tourism further.


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How to Cite
Oliinyk , V., & Danilova , O. (2024). NEW TOUR AS THE MAIN TYPE OF ACTIVITY OF A TOURISM ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (61).

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