Tourism and the restaurant market in Ukraine continue to adapt and develop in the wartime environment. The war has contributed to the reformatting of trends in the development of tourism, including gastronomic tourism, as a means of learning about Ukrainian culture and a way to support Ukrainian (for example, local producers). It is determined that gastronomic tourism includes visits to food producers, culinary events (exhibitions, fairs, festivals, etc.), restaurants and special places associated with special foods, tasting unique dishes, observing the process of their preparation and enjoying consumption. The objects and target audience of gastrotourism are identified, and the classification of gastronomic trips depending on the destination (rural, urban; educational, restaurant, event, ecological, mono-tour, combined) is considered. Gastrotourism supports regional development and strengthens local identity and culture. Multinationality as a potential contributes to the development of gastronomic tourism in Ukraine. Multicultural cuisine caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences, and successfully creates a sense of community in a restaurant. Offering international cuisine promotes understanding and respect for different cultures. It has been established that gastronomic tourism in Ukraine is in the process of development compared to the European one.Ukrainian gastrotourism is a relatively young form of leisure, but it has everything necessary for its gradual development.Favorable factors for the prosperity of gastronomic tourism include culinary heritage, an appropriate level of infrastructure, farms with food products from local producers, gastronomic periodic events (festivals, ivents, exhibitions, etc.), and a diverse selection of restaurant establishments.Gastronomic tourism carries historical memory and value for its people.Each region of Ukraine today is striving to find its own gastronomic specialty and express its uniqueness.The main driving force in the development of gastronomic tourism is thematic festivals of local food and local dishes.
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