Keywords: pet food market in Ukraine, online stores, digital marketing, online communications, online platforms, email marketing, content marketing


Marketing tools for online communications are actively claiming their place in the marketing promotion of every brand and company in the market. The pet food market is a significant and rapidly growing segment of the global economy, driven by an increase in the number of pet owners and a growing focus on their health and well-being. This study confirmed the importance of digital communications in the marketing strategies of companies operating in the pet food market, enabling them to increase the number of consumers and retain existing ones, and to enhance brand recognition. The article analyzes the advantages of digital communications over traditional ones, their main tools, classifying them into primary and auxiliary, and identifies the trends in the development of online communications in the pet food market. It was established that online tools such as social networks, email, SEO, and content marketing allow sellers to attract new customers, as well as actively work with the loyalty of existing ones. Artificial intelligence allows for the formation of the most relevant loyalty programs, retention strategies, and customer re-engagement strategies. Personalization of communications, especially through email and mobile marketing, provides an exceptionally high level of interaction with customers. In response, consumers form a high level of conversion, clicks, and transitions to digital campaigns. Video and interactive content have proven particularly effective in attracting the attention of customers in the pet food market, especially in demonstrating products such as pet accessories or special feeds. It was determined that in Ukraine, the online direction of pet food sales is actively developing, and companies such as Pethouse, MasterZoo, E-Zoo, Zootovary, Petslike are most successfully using various online communication tools. These companies are recommended to focus on three main tools of online communications within the scope of email marketing, mobile marketing, and content marketing. The prospects for further research are related to studying the effectiveness of expanding the use of mobile marketing and artificial intelligence for aggregating databases for further market segmentation.


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