Keywords: catastrophe bonds, risk management, insurance, infrastructure projects, resilience


This article explores catastrophe bonds as an innovative risk management tool for catastrophic events. The study examines the specifics and advantages of catastrophe bonds, including their fully collateralized structure, parametric triggers, and attractiveness for institutional investors seeking high-yield, uncorrelated assets. The current state and growth prospects of the catastrophe bond market are analyzed, highlighting the increasing role of public sector entities as sponsors. The article discusses notable examples of catastrophe bond issuance by governments and organizations. The potential for further market expansion is considered in light of the growing frequency and severity of catastrophic events driven by global climate change. Special attention is given to the potential of municipal catastrophe bonds, particularly resilience bonds, in financing local infrastructure projects that enhance resilience to catastrophic risks. By linking bond payouts to specific risk reduction initiatives, such as flood barriers or seismic retrofitting, resilience bonds can help communities proactively manage their exposure to catastrophic events. The article discusses the unique advantages of municipal catastrophe bonds, including their targeted use of proceeds, tax benefits, and relative reliability compared to corporate issuers. The article emphasizes the crucial role of government in regulating and supporting the development of the catastrophe bond market. Key areas of government involvement include establishing a conducive legal and regulatory framework, creating insurance pools to enhance market capacity, setting up dedicated catastrophe funds, collaborating with international organizations for financial and technical assistance, providing reinsurance capacity, and conducting public awareness campaigns to promote insurance uptake. The study concludes that catastrophe bonds, particularly municipal resilience bonds, offer a promising tool for managing catastrophic risks at both local and national levels. Their targeted nature, tax advantages, and relative reliability make them an attractive financing option for infrastructure modernization and post-disaster recovery. However, the article notes that further research is needed to refine the methodologies for selecting and evaluating suitable resilience projects, as well as for measuring their risk-reduction impact.


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How to Cite
Shtogrin, K. (2024). CATASTROPHE BONDS: AN INNOVATIVE TOOL FOR RISK MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (61).