Keywords: outsourcing, IT outsourcing, human resource management, globalization, business processes


The article explores the role of outsourcing as a human resource management tool in the context of globalization. It emphasizes key aspects such as motivation, incentivization, and staff stabilization through improving the psychological atmosphere and optimizing material incentives. The article explores motivation as the process of stimulating employees to satisfy their needs and interests, as well as the mechanism of motivation formation that impacts organizational effectiveness. Additionally, personnel outsourcing is analyzed as a means of efficient resource allocation and competitiveness enhancement, along with corporate culture as a system of shared values that shapes organizational identity. The article underscores the role of human resource management tools such as motivation, stimulation, outsourcing, and corporate culture formation in achieving organizational effectiveness and their interaction with other management system elements. The article discusses the role of outsourcing as a strategic tool for enhancing competitiveness, particularly in the IT sector. Ukrainian companies are increasingly using outsourcing as a strategic tool to improve their efficiency and ensure competitiveness. Outsourcing involves delegating part of the work tasks or functions to other companies for execution, which can be driven by various reasons such as lack of internal expertise or the need for temporary solutions. Ukraine ranks 42nd among countries with high potential for outsourcing, according to the Global Services Location Index. Outsourcing companies provide a variety of services such as recruitment, personnel management, staff development, and assistance in crisis resolution, allowing businesses to focus on core aspects of their operations. The global outsourcing market is forecasted to grow to $75.89 trillion between 2023 and 2027, indicating the dynamic development of this sector. Research shows that companies are increasingly opting for outsourcing to optimize production processes, service information needs, and to transfer a complex of business processes.


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How to Cite
Reverenda, N., Reverenda, M., & Telestakov , Y. (2024). OUTSOURCING AS A HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TOOL IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION. Economy and Society, (61). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-61-119

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