The article reveals the essence of business ethics, as well as its various terminological forms: normative, applied, general, professional, ethics of business communications, corporate, business ethics. The basic aspect is the observance of modern value criteria, primarily the preservation of the environment through clean technologies, renewable energy sources, the justification and implementation of joint effective, creative projects with partners, as well as compliance with the requirements of domestic and international legal norms of doing business. The thesis is asserted that the main categorical principles of business ethics are moral value parameters of openness and business ability in the legal field to function successfully on the target market. A long period of attempts by society to use the positive benefits of business ethics in achieving the set goal is indicated. Its origins date back to the 20th century, when the fundamental foundations of entrepreneurial activity were formed based on the principles of utility for society, respect for property, the legality of orientation to balanced needs, and the observance of a sustainable vector of development. The main postulates of practically all forms of corporate ethics (applied, meta-ethics, normative, professional, business relations) business ethics are given, particularly trust, integrity, wisdom, reliability, decency, nobility, responsibility, openness, creativity, etc. It has been established that when implementing modern innovative business operation strategies, it is objectively possible to ensure their effectiveness in coexistence and compliance with European ethical business principles aimed at increasing the level of social and environmental responsibility. Based on the results of the Harvard Business School assessment of aspects of corporate ethics with consumers, the following can be used in Ukrainian realities: taking into account the right of choice by consumers; safety of products and services; consideration of consumer requirements; provision of real information on the consumer value of goods.
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