Despite a significant volume of scientific publications covering the results of research on the structural-element composition, formation mechanisms, methodology of assessment, and management of a company's financial potential, insufficient attention has been paid to the issues of managing the financial potential of enterprises in the socio-economic realities of wartime and post-war economic recovery in Ukraine. Therefore, there is a pressing need to generalize theoretical and improve practical aspects of managing the financial potential of enterprises in complex socio-economic realities of wartime and in the conditions of post-war recovery of the national economy. The article clarifies the factors influencing the financial potential of an enterprise and the principles of forming a strategy for managing the financial potential of an enterprise, conducts a systematic analysis of the problems of managing the financial potential of an enterprise in the socio-economic realities of wartime and post-war economic recovery in Ukraine, and proposes a model of information support for managing the financial potential of an enterprise. The conclusion is drawn that further research into the problems of managing the financial potential of an enterprise in the socio-economic realities of wartime and post-war economic recovery in Ukraine needs to provide justification for modern theoretical and methodological conceptual frameworks and methodological approaches to determining the effectiveness of mechanisms for forming and implementing a strategy, as well as to refine the target orientation and content of the instrumental support for managing the financial potential of an enterprise. Emphasis is placed on the urgent need to develop a technology for modeling probable trajectories of development of signals from the environment of enterprise functioning and the substantive interpretation of elements of the information flow (signals from the formed rating of selected signals by the level of their entropy) in the subsystem of information support for managing the financial potential of an enterprise, as well as the need to develop a model of an information-analytical controlling platform in the system of managing the financial potential of an enterprise.
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