The study of socio-cultural potential and human capital is important for many spheres of life, from politics to business, as it allows us to understand the processes of life of economic units, to adapt to the complex economic, social and cultural realities of the modern world. The article aims to analyse the peculiarities of the formation of socio-cultural potential and human capital in the development of the hotel and restaurant business. The article establishes that socio-cultural potential and human capital are an important foundation for the development of strategic business potential, especially in the tourism and restaurant industry, where communication with customers and meeting their needs play a crucial role in the competitive struggle in times of dynamic change. The article emphasizes the importance of socio-cultural potential as a basis for the formation of strategic potential: cultural authenticity, intercultural communication, and the creation of a unique atmosphere. The main components of cultural authenticity in the hotel and restaurant business are allocated: menu, atmosphere, service, and pricing policy. The advantages of an authentic restaurant are systematized: unique atmosphere, original cuisine, attracting customers and increasing their loyalty, improving reputation, creating a unique experience, developing tourism, and opportunities for intercultural exchange. It is proposed that the development of socio-cultural potential in integration with human capital should be considered in the following areas: intercultural competence of staff, staff training and development, cultural programs and events, preservation and presentation of cultural heritage, development of local communities, sustainability and preservation of cultural resources. In the current conditions of restoring the functioning of the tourism and restaurant business, it is advisable to focus on the following elements: quality of service, innovation and creativity, sustainability and loyalty of staff, change management, creation of a unique experience, customer focus and customer satisfaction, professional skills and advanced training.
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