The article is devoted to topical issues of ensuring information security as an important component of the financial and economic security of the enterprise. It was determined that information security is a structural element of the company's financial and economic security system. The importance of information security in the system of financial and economic security is determined by its role in protecting confidential information, ensuring the integrity and availability of data, as well as in maintaining the stability of financial processes. The main factors affecting information security have been identified. The classification features that help to determine the main sources of threats to the information security of the enterprise are considered and analyzed in detail. Depending on the criteria, threats to information security are divided depending on the sources of formation, by the method of occurrence, by methods of countering threats, and others. The types of damage that threats can cause are considered, among which financial and reputational consequences are distinguished. Based on this analysis, a comprehensive plan for ensuring the information security of the enterprise has been developed, aimed at predicting potential risks and applying appropriate preventive measures to eliminate them and minimize possible losses. In addition, it is noted that the successful implementation of this plan requires constant monitoring and adaptation to changes in the field of information security, as well as the development of a recovery strategy after the occurrence of possible incidents. This strategy includes a number of practices aimed at effectively restoring business processes and recovering data in the event of an incident. It was emphasized that the active participation of management and all employees of the enterprise, especially accountants, in ensuring information security is crucial for the successful implementation of the plan. Such a comprehensive approach will allow the enterprise to effectively respond to modern challenges in the field of information security and ensure the stability and efficiency of the general system of financial and economic security of the enterprise.
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