Keywords: economic analysis, information base of analysis, foreign economic activity, methods of economic analysis, tools of economic analysis


The study focuses on the definition of effective methods of analysis of foreign economic activity and its information support, which are relevant for modern business. The relevance of the research is determined by the need to understand and apply effective methods of analysis of foreign economic activity in the conditions of the growing pace of globalization of the economy and the competitive environment. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the methodology of foreign economic activity analysis and its information support to determine the methods, tools and approaches used in this analysis, as well as to determine their effectiveness and practical value for business entities. To achieve this goal, various methods are used, in particular, the analysis of literary sources, comparative analysis, the method of analysis and synthesis, the abstract method, methods of statistical and expert evaluations. The functional role of information support in the process of decision-making in foreign economic activities is analyzed, the main sources and types of information necessary for the relevant analysis are clarified. An analysis of the methodology for evaluating foreign trade operations was carried out, as well as specific aspects of the analysis of the competitiveness of enterprises on international markets were investigated. Peculiarities of identifying risks and threats of foreign economic activity, as well as their influence on the processes of strategic planning of business entities, were studied. The obtained results determine the objective necessity of applying a comprehensive approach to the analysis of foreign economic activity, which would take into account the influence of not only economic, but also political, socio-cultural and other factors on the foreign economic activity of enterprises in modern conditions. The conclusions of the study are aimed at the practical application of the specified methods to ensure an increase in the functional efficiency of the management of the foreign economic activity of enterprises, as well as an increase in the level of their competitiveness on international markets.


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How to Cite
Talakh , T., & Talakh, V. (2024). FEATURES OF THE METHODOLOGY OF THE ANALYSIS OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND ITS INFORMATION SUPPORT. Economy and Society, (61). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-61-74