The article is devoted to the study of the modern approach to the organization of communication processes in conditions of intensive digitization. The place of the information resource and the system of communication processes in the efficiency of the enterprises in the field of hospitality is noted. The importance of various types of communications, including high-quality verbal communication links, as well as digital communication tools, in the system of operation of hotel and restaurant business enterprises has been studied. Emphasis is placed on the impact of an unclear model of communication links on the deterioration of the efficiency and quality of the production workflow technology, the use of resources and the emergence of reasons for the appearance of conflicts. The research singles out the obstacles to an effective communication system, in particular: misalignment of the communication process; lack of tools and means of communication; the presence of semantic obstacles; psychosocial obstacles in the process of communication and others. High-quality communication links stimulate the work of the company's personnel and engage the guest to become a regular customer, which ensures increased labor productivity and increased satisfaction of the participants in the communication process. However, a poor communication system can become a destructive tool for business. For enterprises in the hospitality sector, a high level of communication skills of the staff and a well-established network of the communication system contribute to the realization of the company's strategic and operational goals. The creation of communication channels based on digital technologies and the implementation of artificial intelligence are changing the model of the hospitality management system. It is important to create a communication network of the enterprise: creation of communication channels through social networks with target groups; creation of communities of followers for communications; creation of social groups interested in sustainable development; creation of consumer groups interested in sustainable development (creation of new lines of communication through mobile applications, creation of online platforms for online orders); creation of customer databases. The integration of a modern CRM system into the company's communications system, the introduction of network services, the Internet, cloud storage and software products ensure the formation of high-quality intra-network communication, communication with controlling bodies, provide electronic reporting and electronic document flow, provide the opportunity to hold online meetings and negotiations and use CRM to communicate with customers.
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