Keywords: innovative activity, goals of innovative activity of the enterprise, planning of innovative activities, target decomposition, forms of innovative activity planning, tactical plan of the enterprise, innovative business projects, targeted scientific and technical programs


The article is concerned with building an effective system for planning the innovation activities of an enterprise. It specifies the content of this most important function of innovation management, which should cover the whole complex of measures on innovative development of an enterprise, including generation of innovative ideas and solutions, assessment of their effectiveness and justification of priority directions of introduction of innovations. Also, the main goal of planning the innovation activity of enterprise is defined, which is to obtain competitive advantages of enterprise in the domestic and foreign markets to ensure sustainable profitable production of competitive products. It has been proved that in order to specify and detail the planned tasks and ensure their targeting, it is necessary to decompose the main goal of planning the innovation activity of enterprise. This process should be continued until the possibility of developing specific innovation tasks for individual structural units and performers is ensured. The study provides a critical analysis of the existing approaches to determining the forms of planning of the enterprise's innovation activity. To ensure the comprehensive validity of planned decisions on the innovative development of enterprise, it is proposed to use three forms of planning this process, namely: the plan of innovative development of enterprise as a component (section or sections) of the tactical plan of enterprise; innovative business projects; targeted scientific and technical programmes. In the tactical plan, it is advisable to devote two separate sections to the innovative development of the enterprise: the product renewal plan and the plan for the organisational and technical development of the enterprise. In this case, the first section should reflect innovations related to the preparation and development of new products, while the second section should plan measures aimed at improving product quality, raising the technical and organisational level of production, improving management, etc. The second form of planning the innovative activity of an enterprise should include two types of innovative business projects: business projects for the development of new types of products; innovative business projects for improving the organisational and technical level of production and labour.


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How to Cite
Yegupov, Y., & Shmihol , M. (2024). GOALS AND FORMS OF INNOVATION PLANNING ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (61). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-61-22