The article is devoted to the current problems of the development of the insurance market of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law. It has been proven that the beginning of Russian aggression became a serious test both for modern Ukraine and the insurance market. It was revealed that during the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, insurance companies faced a number of problems, among which the issues of personnel transfer and remote work organization, termination of contracts or payment delays gained special attention. The article examines the functioning of the insurance market of Ukraine since the introduction of martial law, reveals the main trends and problems of development, and outlines the priority tasks to be solved. It has been proven that in order to ensure the viability and recovery of the insurance industry after the war period, as well as in order to provide insurance protection to citizens and businesses, it is necessary to implement systemic measures at the state level. It was concluded that in the context of the martial law in Ukraine, the insurance market faces a number of challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, increased risk to business and personal property creates increased demand for insurance services, particularly property and liability insurance. On the other hand, changes in the political and legal environment can lead to instability in the market and require quick adaptations on the part of insurance companies. These challenges, in our opinion, also open up new opportunities for development. Insurance companies that are willing to actively adapt to change can develop new products and strategies to minimize risks, which will allow them to function successfully in the conditions of martial law and ensure that the interests of their customers are protected. Thus, the insurance market of Ukraine under martial law requires not only a careful analysis of internal and external factors, but also flexibility and innovation to ensure stability and growth in difficult conditions.
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