On 24 February 2022, martial law was declared, which was triggered by a full-scale war. The war has a negative impact on Ukraine's current situation, creating a number of problems and challenges. In view of this, Ukraine's foreign economic activity under martial law is complicated, as the enemy's actions significantly affect all aspects of Ukraine's economic relations with other countries. Therefore, the issue of its development is becoming increasingly relevant in the national science, which determines the necessity and relevance of this study. Given this, the article is aimed at defining the main scientific principles of development of Ukraine's foreign economic activity during a full-scale war. First, the author examines the main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "foreign economic activity" according to current legislation and scientific research. The author examines a number of approaches of Ukrainian scholars to the definition of the concept of foreign economic activity and identifies the existence of opposing points of view. In addition, the main features of the State's foreign economic activity from the theoretical point of view are determined. It is determined that a characteristic feature of the State's foreign economic activity is its participation in the context of international relations. In addition, the importance of foreign economic activity for the economic security of the State is clarified. The main problems that were characteristic of Ukraine's foreign economic activity before the outbreak of war are considered. Particular attention is paid to the current state of Ukraine's foreign economic activity during the war. The main problems faced by Ukraine are identified. These problems are caused by the full-scale war and the enemy's actions. The author also identifies the main ways of solving them, which the state is currently using. On the basis of the study, the author presents her own list of measures to ensure the development of Ukraine's foreign economic activity during the war. The results obtained demonstrate the urgent need to take all necessary measures to develop Ukraine's foreign economic activity. All this will help improve the state of individual sectors of the economy, the economy as a whole and its international relations.
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