Keywords: brand, branding, real product, add-on, interaction, brand promises, branded contract, economic effect, economic efficiency


Saturation of the market with goods and services of various manufacturers has created a fierce competitive environment, in which only those companies that are able to offer competitive products that meet the needs of the market and have a demand are able to survive and ensure economic growth. Firms whose products have achieved brand status, found their target audience and have prospects for its expansion have a significant advantage. Within the article, conditions for creating a successful brand, which should maximize the demand for the company's products are defined. Increasing the volume of realization of its economic growth and increasing the market value. The need for interaction between the components of the "real product - brand" system for potential consumers is shown. Attention is focused on the brand concept as a superstructure over a real product, which requires the responsibility of the brand's promises to the operational characteristics and consumer properties of the product, represented by it. In the coordinates "product quality - brand responsibility for product quality", a matrix of situations is built, where the perspective of the brand development is determined. Depending on the conformity of the brand with the product quality, the type of the brand is determined, which is characterized, and the predicted reaction of potential consumers is specified. Zones of growth and decline of the brand during a certain time of its existence in accordance with the real product are defined. The weighty interpretation of the compliance of the product's utility with the brand's promises is offered, where possible trajectories of increasing or decreasing the brand image are considered. The perspective of the destruction of the brand's image in the event of non-fulfillment of the brand contract is shown. The scheme of the market's reaction to the brand of a low-quality product is developed and consequences for the enterprise when selling a product that does not meet the brand's promises are presented. The methods of evaluating the economic effect and economic efficiency of branding, which allow to estimate these indicators in a first approximation, are given.


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How to Cite
Ilchuk , V., Lysenko, I., & Tarasenko, O. (2024). PRODUCT QUALITY AS A CONDITION FOR EFFECTIVE BRANDING. Economy and Society, (60).