Keywords: marketing, competition, product, service, European integration, market


The article analyzes and studies the problems and prospects of development of Internet marketing in the context of European integration. The purpose of the article is to study the problems and prospects for the development of Internet marketing by domestic enterprises in the context of European integration of the country's economy. The relevance is to increase the level of competition in the markets, especially when entering foreign ones. The research methods used were analysis, synthesis and graphical. The article analyzes the dynamics of the number of Internet users in the world during 2005-2023, as well as the dynamics and forecasts of the number of Internet users of social networks in the world during 2017-2024 as potential consumers of Internet marketing products. The comparative characteristics of traditional marketing and modern Internet marketing are presented, and the advantages and opportunities of the latter are also highlighted. The global trends in the development of Internet marketing in the context of European integration are studied. Among them are the following: combining the advantages of artificial intelligence (delegation of some functions performed by humans) with human resources, focusing on the use of mobile technologies, optimization of corporate websites, their visibility, conducting reputational activities (responsible attitude, economical consumption (circular economy), compliance with corporate ethics, etc. The practical significance is as follows: in order to win a tough competition, a business must be based on innovations, including constant changes and improvement of marketing activities, and Internet marketing is one of the modern and effective tools. Therefore, the effective use of Internet marketing in the context of European integration will ensure that companies maintain a stable competitive position, a sufficient level of financial and economic stability and efficiency, increase their level of competitiveness in the market, etc.


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