The article is devoted to current issues regarding logistics costs problems in Ukraine. Attention is paid to both internal and external factors influencing the costs of enterprises providing logistic services. The priority development of logistic services, which are of interest in the market, is identified. The factors influencing the formation of costs for providing logistic services are analyzed and systematized. Trends in the development of the logistic services market in Ukraine are studied. Reserves for optimizing costs for providing logistic services by specialized companies are outlined. Factors influencing the costs of logistic enterprises associated with the wartime situation in Ukraine are analyzed. Prospects and risks of logistic flows in European countries are outlined, taking into account blockades, protectionism, and non-tariff restrictions in certain countries. The state of competition development among logistic enterprises affecting the state of price competition in the market is analyzed. Factors influencing the costs of logistic enterprises in peacetime and wartime in Ukraine are analyzed. The cost factors contributing to their growth for internal and external logistic services are identified. The key negative cost factors for logistic enterprises are identified as irregular risks associated with war, irregular strikes, and blackouts. It is determined that logistic companies not involved in international logistic services are influenced by negative factors similar to those companies providing such services. The sequence of performing external and internal transportation, as well as other logistic services, forms a system that depends heavily on both border crossing factors and internal logistics factors. Recommendations for optimizing the costs of logistic enterprises were developed based on the collected materials. The main recommendations include diversifying logistic routes both in Ukraine and abroad, forming alliances and other forms of cooperation with logistic enterprises in other regions and modes of transport, supporting cooperation with logistic centers within the country and beyond its borders, etc.
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