The article is devoted to the study of the level of economic security of a trading and manufacturing enterprise that sells berry syrups and groceries, as well as the search for ways to increase it. The demand for the company’s product range has the peculiarity that in the autumn-winter period it grows, and in the summer it practically drops to zero. The annual dynamics of demand repeats itself from year to year with minor deviations. Under martial law, the enterprise faced new risks and threats associated with a shrinking sales market, the difficulty of purchasing raw materials and supplying finished products to the customer, and the threat of losing production capacity in the event of constant enemy attacks. The need to minimize the impact of risks requires determining methods for their management, which in turn minimizes the risk of making decisions that could lead to significant financial losses or operational disruptions. The benefits of risk management help improve management decision-making, resource allocation, and organizational resilience. A relative economic safety score was calculated by relating the actual safety level to the maximum safety level of the corresponding component. The assessment of the level of economic security was determined by comparing the calculated values of safety indicators with real values. It is substantiated that among other market threats, commodity risk is the most likely indicator of possible losses. Product risks are associated with the product range. To study the effectiveness of the product range, we used the effect-output matrix, which allows us to group products into zones “share of sales - product profitability”. Distribution by matrix zones allows you to identify the most interesting products and make a decision on their further release or discontinuation. To mitigate the market threat in the next period, the company is invited to develop measures for operational control and planning of the product range, taking into account the characteristics of demand for products, the seasonality of their production and sale on the markets of Ukraine and abroad.
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