Keywords: digitization, digital transformation, innovative development, digital strategy, digital economy


The lack of a unified approach to the procedures for the analysis and evaluation of innovative development aimed at the introduction of new technologies, along with large differences in the tasks that need to be solved for information modernization with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), cloud technologies, analysis of large volumes of data and other digital technologies, requires the development of a comprehensive strategy to ensure the competitiveness of business structures and their digital sustainability. The research is based on the analysis of current trends in AI, Big Data, and responsible consumption. The task of the research is to study the methods, tools and strategies used by companies to achieve innovative development in the conditions of the formation of the digital economy. In particular, the purpose of the article is to determine the impact of AI and Big Data on the formation of responsible consumption strategies in the business environment, as well as to assess the impact of innovative technologies on the sustainability of business models and the formation of new principles of responsible business.The authors have also looked at examples of successful implementation of these technologies in the business sector. The article highlights the importance of these technologies in today's world and analyzes their potential benefits and challenges for enterprises. The authors explore how the use of artificial intelligence and analysis of large volumes of data can contribute to business development by providing more accurate forecasting, improving production processes, and increasing responsibility towards consumers and the environment. The components of the innovative development of business structures in the context of the formation of a digital economy are identified, including optimization through digitization, flexibility and automation of assets, decentralization of the supply chain with the involvement of small production facilities, priorities in procurement. It was determined that by analyzing and forecasting consumer behavior, increasing transparency of the supply chain, developing ecologically and socially oriented products and increasing consumer awareness, business can contribute to the transition to more sustainable and responsible digital development.


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