Traditional marketing tools: product policy, pricing, promotion and sales are focused on the fullest satisfaction of consumer needs. It is from this point of view that proposals are developed, advertising campaigns are planned and a system of sales and promotion of goods and services is organized. However, among the real values that customers seek to get, not enough attention is paid to the most expensive resource that everyone has to deal with, namely time. Time is a limited resource on the one hand, and equally accessible to everyone on the other, which is why the ability to use time and effectively manage this process is extremely important. The aim of the research is to determine the impact of time marketing on the tools of marketing communications and identify its features in the international market. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, the article considered traditional and synthetic tools of marketing communications, which in modern conditions, and especially in the functioning of economic entities in the international market need modernization, more creative approach and time. The essence of time marketing and its differences from time management is determined. Possibilities of using time marketing in marketing activity, in particular at a choice of means of marketing communications or planning of their complex are identified. It is noted that the rational and emotional components that are inherent in time marketing are decisive in the formation of a communication message. In the course of the research it is offered to apply the advantages of time marketing at promotion of the goods and services in the international market that can promote increase of efficiency of functioning of activity of subjects in general and their promotion policy in particular. The practical value of the article lies in the possibility of using enterprises and companies of certain technologies and techniques of time marketing in choosing the tools of marketing communications in the promotion of goods and services in the international market. A promising area of further research is the development of recommendations on the organizational and practical aspect of the introduction of technologies in time marketing in the international marketing activities of enterprises.
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