This article examines the relationship between marketing commodity policies and growing consumer demand for products and services that promote a healthy lifestyle within the framework of the creative economy. The article examines how the creative economy, which combines economic processes where creativity, innovation and intellectual capital play a key role, affects the formation and development of the healthy lifestyle market. The authors analyze how innovative approaches in food development, including superfoods, organic foods, and plant-based meat alternatives, influence consumer preferences. In the context of a healthy lifestyle, this means taking into account the growing demand for healthy food, physical activity, mental balance and an ecologically clean environment. Special attention is paid to the role of technological development, in particular mobile applications for health monitoring, fitness bracelets and online platforms for yoga and meditation, in making a healthy lifestyle more accessible and attractive to a wide range of people. The article argues that the creative economy contributes not only to innovations in products and services, but also to the formation of new cultural and social consumption standards based on health, balance, harmony and environmental responsibility. Emphasizes the need to educate and engage future consumers in a healthy lifestyle culture through personal counseling and network marketing. The authors conclude that a successful marketing product policy in the field of a healthy lifestyle requires a deep understanding of consumer needs, an innovative approach, involvement in environmental values and the active use of modern technologies to personalize offers, which together will contribute to the creation of a healthier and sustainable future. The research aims to identify the key factors that influence changes in consumer preferences and behavior, as well as to assess future trends and prospects for the development of the healthy lifestyle market. In particular, it seeks to understand how innovation and creative approaches in the economy contribute to the growing interest in a healthy lifestyle among the population.
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