The article discusses the current trend of transition from traditional unilateral marketing strategies in pharmaceuticals to a more comprehensive and customer-centric approach - omnichannel marketing. This paradigm involves the integration of numerous offline and online communication channels to create a continuous and consistent experience for the target audience. The article analyzes the transformation of the marketing landscape in the pharmaceutical industry, where traditional methods such as print advertising, mailings are gradually being supplemented by digital tools such as websites, social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, etc. These digital channels allow for personalized content, educational resources, and two-way communication with consumers. The study provides a detailed look at the various consumer engagement channels that can be used in pharmaceutical marketing, including email marketing, paid search advertising, websites, loyalty programs, blogging, free trials, influencer marketing, referral programs, YouTube, social media, and events. Examples of their application in the industry are provided for each channel. It also presents a methodology for increasing and measuring the level of customer engagement, including a number of effective marketing strategies, such as targeted advertising, content marketing, social media presence, etc. Particular attention is paid to key performance indicators for assessing customer engagement, including customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, conversion rate, order frequency, and other metrics. Prospects for the future development of the field are highlighted, including the introduction of personalized AI assistants, integration of machine learning technologies, and dynamic creative optimization. In general, the omnichannel approach is seen as a necessary response to the challenges of digital transformation to ensure the competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies. Thus, the article provides an up-to-date overview of the latest trends and practices of applying the omnichannel approach to consumer engagement in pharmaceutical marketing with a focus on digital channels and personalization strategies.
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