The study of modern challenges in international tourism entrepreneurship is important for the rapid adaptation of business entities to the changing conditions of the external environment, maintaining their competitiveness, and for developing strategies for entrepreneurship development in this sector. The main task of the article is to identify modern challenges and threats to entrepreneurship development in international tourism and justify the main measures to counter them. For Ukraine, the most important factor influencing the development of entrepreneurship is political instability. Due to the war in the east of the country, there is danger and uncertainty, which leads to decreased confidence and trust of tourists in traveling to Ukraine. Political instability also affects the infrastructure and services provided to tourists. The development of Internet technologies and digitalization is significantly changing the ways of conducting international business in the field of tourism. These trends contribute to the emergence of new forms of communication and marketing, facilitate access to information for customers, streamline online booking and purchase of services, and stimulate the development of personalized and innovative travel offerings. In such conditions, business entities should monitor all new communication innovations in the online sphere and intensively use them in their activities to maintain competitiveness and attractiveness for tourists. As a result of the analysis of modern challenges to improve the organization of business activities in international tourism, it is necessary to implement measures that include: strengthening all aspects of security, including economic, informational, social, environmental, and ensuring safety for life; transforming traditional approaches in group tourism into more diverse, personalized, and individual tourism with the help of modern digital technologies and artificial intelligence; improving international insurance systems; optimizing payment systems and adopting modern payment technologies; creating balanced and ecologically oriented development and functioning of tourist enterprises, as well as orientation towards «greening» of tourist services.
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