Keywords: martial law, domestic tourism, hotel-restaurant and tourist business of Ukraine, SWOT analysis, post-war development


The purpose of the study is to determine the potential of the post-war development of tourism and hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine. It was determined that the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine and the beginning of hostilities, various circumstances, in particular moral and psychological upheavals, the economic decline of entrepreneurship and the impossibility of doing business, significantly paralyzed a significant part of the tourism and hospitality business. Part of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine became unsuitable for further activities, as buildings, premises and a significant part of fixed assets were destroyed or destroyed, there was a loss of logistical connections and professional and important personnel. Accordingly, the process of business relocation from the temporarily occupied territories to the controlled territory of Ukraine has been implemented. It was determined that difficult times place additional demands on the business of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, and therefore require specific and timely solutions, a non-standard approach taking into account state and social needs, moral and ethical and cross-cultural wishes taking into account material, financial and economic, labor and informational resource limitations, as well as the absence of state security guarantees. A SWOT analysis is presented, which allowed monitoring external and internal challenges, specified potential strengths and weaknesses of the hotel-restaurant and tourism business in Ukraine. The problems related to business processes and management of the hotel-restaurant and tourism business are characterized, as well as prospective ways of transformation of business processes of post-war development are explored. Based on the results of the analysis, promising directions for the development of the hotel-restaurant and tourism business in Ukraine after the war are presented. It was determined that special attention should be paid to ensuring barrier-free conditions for various categories of the population. Priority measures have been determined, the implementation of which will have a positive and stimulating effect on the potential of the research object.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, N. (2024). SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE POST-WAR DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OF THE TOURIST AND HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (60). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-60-61