Keywords: audit, corporate analysis, corporate reporting, group reporting, related parties, group audit, multinational corporations


The article is devoted to the study of the differences between tax and internal audit of transfer prices, which are relevant in the context of globalization and the increase in the volume of foreign economic activity of related companies. Transactions between related parties are characterized by an increased risk of fraud and lead to an increased risk of material misstatements in the financial statements of enterprises. If the related entities are non-residents, there is an additional regulatory risk, which is the need to report controlled transactions to the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. Given the rapid expansion of transnational corporations and the intensity of foreign economic transactions between related entities, the article analyzes the implications of the implementation of international standards for tax control of transfer prices. As a result, specific differences in methodological approaches to external tax and internal corporate audit of transfer prices are identified. The article also highlights the tax and corporate risks associated with violation of the arm's length principle or the requirements of a group of companies in the course of controlled foreign economic transactions. An important conclusion is that there are significant differences between tax and internal corporate audit of transfer prices depending on the nature of the foreign economic transaction. Thus, the article considers the issue not only in the theoretical aspect, but also takes into account specific situations of export and import operations. The article discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with the audit of international groups in the context of the European integration process. Drawing attention to current trends and standards of control over the results of international business, the author analyzes the peculiarities of the audit process aimed at determining the compliance of international groups' reporting with the requirements of European standards. Key aspects such as harmonization of financial statements, alignment of control and risk analysis with international standards are discussed. Opportunities for improving the efficiency of the audit process and ensuring the high quality of financial statements of international groups in the context of European integration are highlighted.


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Fesenko, V. (2024). RISK MANAGEMENT AND TRANSFER PRICING AUDITS: KEY ASPECTS FOR INTERNATIONAL GROUPS. Economy and Society, (60). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-60-70