Keywords: consulting, European management consulting, financial consulting, market transformation, globalization


In recent years, the world has seen an increase in demand for consulting services due to the instability of the global economy. In connection with the rapid technological development and globalization of business, constant challenges in the world economy, consulting becomes an important tool for adapting companies to new conditions. In particular, in Ukraine, the interest of enterprises in using consulting services to improve corporate governance, introduction of new technological tools, modern accounting methods (transition to international practice), tax and legal consulting is growing. Consideration of the issue of European experience and trends in consulting activities is especially relevant in connection with significant changes in the business environment, the management paradigm and the daily transformation of user requests. The purpose of the study is to consider the European state and trends in the development of consulting activities, to determine the factors restraining the growth rate of this field in the EU. It was determined that the countries that form the European market of consulting services and occupy 77% of the European gross domestic product and 73% of the total employment in Europe include: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania. , Slovenia, Spain and Great Britain (for turnover only). An analysis of the European consulting market was carried out according to: volumes of services provided, areas of service and structure of forms of companies providing consulting. The development of consulting in Europe, although active, is limited by some factors that affect its pace: the ethical behavior of consultants, the availability of information and the use of artificial intelligence, innovative customer requests, competition in the domestic market. Considering these factors, consulting companies in Europe must carefully analyze and adapt their strategies to ensure stable and sustainable development in difficult conditions, universalize their services. The conducted research allows us to assume that in the long term the greatest demand among consulting services will be services based on innovative management concepts. Various industries can also become potential consumers of consulting services.


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How to Cite
Fomina, O., & Lytvynchuk , D. (2024). EUROPEAN CONSULTING DEVELOPMENT TRENDS. Economy and Society, (60).