Keywords: Vinnytsia, regional tourism, recreational tourism, architectural monuments, tourist industry, development strategy


The article examines the organizational and economic aspects of the development of recreational tourism in Vinnytsia, which has a high recreational potential, which opens up prospects for becoming one of the leading tourist areas of Ukraine. This indicates the importance of quality tourism infrastructure and effective marketing strategies to meet the needs of visitors. A strategic approach to the development of recreational tourism in the region includes active interaction between the department of culture and tourism of the local state administration, other departments and departments, as well as public and tourism organizations. This cooperation is aimed at stimulating the growth of Vinnytsia's tourist attraction through the development and implementation of complex programs and projects. However, the presence of effective strategies and approaches to the development of recreational tourism in the region is a key element for optimizing its potential. The development and implementation of a strategy that takes into account the unique recreational opportunities of the Vinnytsia region will allow to achieve sustainable development in this area, increase the income of local communities and improve the quality of life of the population. Promoting the development of tourism in Vinnytsia involves attracting investments in tourism infrastructure, improving the qualifications of industry workers, developing marketing strategies and branding territories. These measures will help to increase the competitiveness of the region in the tourist market, attract more visitors and create conditions for the development of new tourist products and services. It was determined that Vinnytsia has a significant tourist potential, and for its effective use and development, it is important to integrate the efforts of local authorities, businesses, the public sector, and educational institutions. The cooperation of all interested parties will ensure the creation of an innovative, balanced tourist product that meets the needs of modern tourists and contributes to the sustainable development of the region. Taking into account the above, the city of Vinnytsia has the opportunity to become not only an important center of recreational tourism in Ukraine, but also an example of effective use of cultural and natural potential for the sustainable development of the region.


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How to Cite
Kolesnyk , T., & Bahneta, V. (2024). FEATURES OF RECREATIONAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES OF THE REGION. Economy and Society, (60). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-60-45