Keywords: cyber security, cyber crime, higher education institutions, computer technologies, cyber threats, destructive processes, learning networks, educational process


The article examines the problems of cyber security in the countries of the world and specifically in our country, the impact of cybercrime on the work of higher education institutions and ways to prevent and overcome cyber attacks. It is substantiated that the use of computer technologies together with numerous advantages regarding the availability and efficiency of obtaining information carries certain threats regarding the complexity of data protection of individuals and legal entities, the state as a whole. It has been found that today the global trends in countering cyber threats are inferior to the attackers, which leads to the latter conducting aggressive and successful cyber attacks. It has been established that a similar situation fully applies to Ukraine. The main problems of the state, regional and local levels are highlighted: insufficient awareness and responsibility of users; unclear determination of priorities; lack of specificity of planned activities; lack of a development program for the main subjects of the national cyber security system; limited budget funding; weakness of public-private partnership; unsystematic nature of e-learning. It has been proven that an important stage in the strengthening of cyber security was the initiation of training in the specialty "cyber security" by domestic institutions of higher education. It is shown that the war intensified the destructive processes that began as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and fully relate to institutions of higher education. It has been proven that attacks on learning networks have increased significantly recently. Proposed organizational measures for solving cyber security problems: training and informing students and teachers; formation of students' critical thinking when using the Internet. It was determined that the special attention of cybercrime to the field of education is explained by a significant array of personal data of participants in the educational process. The classification of cyber threats in the field of higher education has been carried out. Based on the researched material, it is concluded that the effectiveness of combating cyberattacks and, as a result, the successful and stable functioning of higher education institutions of Ukraine depends on the level of preparedness, competence and responsibility of the participants.


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