The image of hotel and restaurant enterprises is, first of all, the image of this organization and the attitude of society to its activities and products based on the established values. The image of enterprises in this area is influenced by many factors. It is necessary to take into account the philosophy of the image, the sociology of the image, the economics of the image, the philological problems of the image, the design of the image, the psychology of the image, the image image, the image image, etc. Human resources occupy an important place in the activities of hotel and recreation enterprises. In today's conditions, such activity requires from the enterprises of the restaurant and recreation industry to intensify entrepreneurship, increase the efficiency of production, the competitiveness of its products and services on the basis of effective forms of management and production management, as well as the introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress. Accordingly, in order to form a proper attitude to work, it is necessary to create such conditions that the staff perceives their work as a conscious activity, which is a source of self-improvement, the basis for professional and professional growth. The effectiveness of the hotel and recreation enterprise is significantly influenced by the economic aspect in personnel management. It is related to the organization of remuneration, the formation of the number of personnel, their professional and qualification composition (related to the use of equipment, technology, organization of production and labor), the effective use of personnel by qualification, level of education, etc. To study and consider the problems of managing the human resources of hotel and restaurant business enterprises, the following tasks were set: the characteristics of the personnel potential of hotel and restaurant enterprises are considered; The methods of planning human resources at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry are considered; the number and composition of personnel at enterprises of this type are analyzed; an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of human resources was carried out and the process of managing the human resources of Zlata LLC was evaluated; The problems of human resources management have been identified, as well as recommendations for its management have been provided.
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