The article is devoted to the quantitative assessment of the impact of smart economy institutes on the countries of the world in the modern global economic space. The purpose of the article is to assess smart economy institutions in the modern configuration of the global economic space. To achieve this goal, the following scientific tasks were set and performed: identify indicators for evaluating smart economy institutes; determine the peculiarities of the structure of the selected indicators in groups of countries with different income levels; to conduct a correlation-regression analysis of selected indicators of smart economy institutes in the countries of the world; to build an econometric model for the assessment of smart economy institutes in the countries of the world; to substantiate the directions of improvement of smart economy institutes in the modern configuration of the global economic space. The study includes the identification of key indicators, focuses on the analysis of the Global Innovation Index based on the methods, graphical, statistical, correlation-regression analysis and econometric modeling. To determine the features of the structure of the selected indicators in groups of countries with different income levels, we calculated the average indicators in the section of the pillars. This made it possible to determine the same level in low- and lower-middle-income countries for the Institutes pillar, as well as significantly lower estimates of the results of innovative activity than the general conditions for innovative activity in all groups of countries The results revealed statistically significant positive correlations between GDP per capita and the Global Innovation Index, especially in the areas of institutions, human capital, infrastructure and business development, where the correlations are highly direct. An econometric model was developed to assess the impact of smart economy institutions on the countries of the world, which made it possible to determine the main factors and their impact on the GDP per capita of the countries of the world. These factors are: Institutions, Infrastructure and Business Development. This substantiates the need to improve regulatory measures for their development and defines scientific novelty.
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