The article explores the theoretical and practical features of diversification of sales channels for products, goods, and services in the e-business system. It is proved that e-business is a prerequisite for economic growth in Ukraine in the context of ongoing military operations and aggravation of internal and external risks. The research has shown that the diversification of sales forms creates a number of business advantages. The article proves that the formation of new channels for the sale of goods and services ensures sustainable economic growth. The article argues that business activity continuity is an important condition for the effective functioning of Ukraine's economy in an unstable environment. The country's domestic markets are not protected from the influence of the external environment and a high level of uncertainty and risks in the context of the crisis caused by military operations. This necessitates the use of modern and special methods to protect and ensure stable operations. The article argues that one of the ways is to intensify e-business, in particular by expanding the areas of sale of goods and services. In times of war, there is a growing demand for everyday consumer goods and services, which are often inaccessible due to the destruction of infrastructure. The article shows that during this period, the prospects for diversification of sales channels for e-businesses are significantly increasing. Due to the transformation of the information transmission system, IT technologies, and forms and methods of payment the types of e-business are changing. The interconnectedness of e-business forms also gives rise to new forms of payments. The transformation of settlement forms and the development of Internet banking influence the development of e-business. The growing demand for services in the context of inaccessibility of infrastructure facilities both during the pandemic and the war encourages society and firms to use new communication channels and enter the service market. In such circumstances, the number of e-services is growing, and the system of educational services is expanding, with not only educational institutions but also private companies increasingly becoming providers of knowledge and skills. E-business is gradually penetrating all spheres of human activity and is often an additional tool to traditional forms of doing business.
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