Keywords: insurance, insurance services, demand for insurance services, insurance market, insurance premium, insurance sales channels, investments


The article deals with the analysis of the transformations taking place in the insurance services market in Ukraine under martial law conditions. The positions of modern scientists regarding the factors determining the development of insurance in a particular country have been updated. Factors determining the demand for insurance services from various groups of borrowers, including legal entities, have been identified. It is articulated that the volatile macroeconomic dynamics have become a key restraining factor for the development of insurance in Ukraine in recent decades. An assessment of the state of Ukraine's insurance market at the end of 2021 was carried out. The key imbalances that characterized the insurance business in Ukraine at the beginning of the open aggression against our state have been determined. It was concluded that the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the domestic insurance market as of the end of 2021 did not meet the economic challenges facing Ukraine. The influence of martial law on the key indicators of the development of the domestic insurance market was studied. The main vectors of transformations of the demand for insurance services on the part of legal entities are highlighted. The reasons for such changes and their impact on the medium-term prospects of the domestic insurance market are determined. Given the catastrophic scale of destruction caused by the war, the national economy in the post-war period will face an acute shortage of resources. It will be extremely difficult to meet the need for financial resources exclusively at the expense of foreign capital. Accordingly, the question arises about the formation of effective internal mechanisms for financing post-war reconstruction and their institutional support. The process of institutionalization also involves the emergence of powerful insurance companies whose resources will be directed to the development of the domestic economy. The article substantiates the channels of positive influence of the insurance market on the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine under the condition of implementation of a set of stimulating measures, among other things, in the part of state regulation of the insurance market.


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How to Cite
Babenko, A., & Andrushchenko, D. (2024). DEMAND FOR INSURANCE SERVICES OF LEGAL ENTITIES: MARTIAL STATE CHALLENGES. Economy and Society, (59).

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