Keywords: accounting, public sector, international accounting standards, financial reporting, IPSAS, IAS/IFRS


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the implementation of international accounting standards in the public sector of Ukraine. The methodological basis of the research in this work is the methods of collecting and comparing information, as well as analysis, synthesis and generalization. Using these methods, the authors conducted a comprehensive study of the peculiarities of the implementation of international accounting standards in the public sector of Ukraine, which made it possible to understand the key challenges and advantages of this process. It was noted that frequent changes in the practice of accounting and financial reporting, which do not meet EU standards, create serious problems that complicate the implementation of financial planning at an adequate level and may lead to the loss of connections between budget programs and the main priorities of the development of society. The implementation of international standards can become a key element in solving these problems, as they will allow to unify accounting approaches, standardize financial reporting and increase transparency and trust in financial management in the public sector. It was noted that the implementation of international accounting standards in the public sector of Ukraine is an important step for improving financial management, increasing transparency and efficiency of the use of public resources, as well as for increasing the confidence of both domestic and foreign investors in the Ukrainian economy. The conclusion states that the application of international accounting standards will help improve resource management systems and increase the efficiency of financial planning and control of public sector enterprises. In addition, it will contribute to the harmonization of approaches to financial accounting in Ukraine with international standards, which is important for the country's integration into the world economic community. The implementation of these standards will also ensure greater transparency and comparability of financial reporting, which will contribute to improving the quality of management and making informed decisions in the public sector.


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How to Cite
Hryhoriv, O., Dutchak, I., & Hordiienko, M. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (59).