The article is devoted to topical issues of disclosure of the essence and content of change management in the activities of enterprises. The essence of the concept of "change" and "change management" in the activities of enterprises is defined. It was found that "changes" are a kind of management processes related to the achievement of defined goals, which are carried out in the work of the enterprise and are formed in accordance with the environment of its activity. At the same time, the changes determine the transition of the business entity to a qualitatively new level and affect the mission and organizational structure, as well as technological and personnel potential. Instead, the concept of "change management" should be understood as a process that allows the enterprise to transform any element of its structure in order to ensure a high level of operational efficiency in today's rather changing conditions of the external environment. The main goal of change management is determined, which consists in achieving better performance of the business entity, introducing innovations, as well as implementing the latest changes in the management system. Conceptual approaches to defining the concept of "change management" are presented. The main problems that prevent the implementation of changes at the enterprise are revealed, in particular, insufficient awareness of the need for changes by the employees of the enterprise, which is connected with their insufficient preparation; insufficient amount of resources, which leads to a delay in the implementation of changes; wrongly chosen enterprise development strategy; lack of an internal culture that promotes change; the adverse impact of external factors (market conditions, the state of competition and legal support), which can affect the effectiveness of change management. It was found that many external (changes in the economy, state administration, international relations, etc.) and internal (intensification of competition on the market, changes in the needs of consumers and customers, suppliers, etc.) factors can affect the work of enterprises . All of them are able to form certain threats and prospects, which forces the company to implement the necessary changes.
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