Keywords: profit, income, economics of ecological development, financial sustainability, influencing factors, economic school


The article is devoted to the study of definitions of the category "enterprise profit". The purpose of this article is the analysis of theoretical aspects of the company's profit and the development of an algorithm for optimizing the management of the company's profit in the conditions of a military-economic crisis. The analysis of scientific publications confirms that the interest of scientists in the problems of a comprehensive interpretation of the concept of enterprise profit is relevant in Ukraine. The main interpretations of profit by world scientists and Ukrainian economists were analyzed and an evolutionary paradigm was developed, which substantiates the changing development of different points of view in relation to the level of development of the economic system in which enterprises operate. Key factors affecting corporate earnings are examined, including economic activity, market conditions, tax rates, monetary and fiscal policy, technological change, stability of the political environment, and government policy. The interaction of these factors and their impact on the size and stability of profit is indicated. The interaction of factors affecting profit and their impact on its size and stability is considered. The most promising directions for improving the interpretation of profit, taking into account the challenges of modern times in the context of the economy of ecological development, have been identified and analyzed. The article examines various aspects and definitions of the company's profit, taking into account its essence in the context of economic benefit. A scheme of factors affecting the size and stability of profit has been created. Profit is key to the financial stability and development of the enterprise, providing an opportunity to invest in new technologies and research. The expediency of taking into account the factors affecting the size of the profit is emphasized as an important aspect of management. The text examines different views of economic schools on the essence and definition of profit in modern conditions. It is noted that the accounting definition of profit, which is based on the difference between revenues and related costs. The distinction between accounting and economic profit is indicated, where economists use the latter to determine the economic success of an enterprise. The need to clarify and develop the given definitions of profit in further research is noted. Further research is important for the adaptation of Ukrainian financial accounting to international standards, especially in the context of Ukraine's accession to the European Union.


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How to Cite
Pokrovska, N., & Katrych, D. (2024). DEFINING THE TERM "PROFIT" IN ECONOMIC SCIENCE. Economy and Society, (59).