The article is devoted to the main aspects of the war economy in Ukraine. It was determined that Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine has an existential nature, that is, it is a threat to the physical survival of the state, a tool for destroying democracy, freedom of choice, and national identity. It has been studied that the war had a negative impact on business, manifested through: personnel losses and an increase in the shortage of highly qualified personnel; reducing the level of utilization of production facilities; energy problems caused by shelling of the power plant; change of logistics; excessive losses of metallurgical enterprises; narrowing of investment demand; significant losses in the agricultural sector. The negative impact of the war on the household sector results in the following consequences: deterioration of the quality of life; population emigration; moderate growth of real incomes and deepening inequality in household incomes; a decrease in household consumption without an increase in savings; reformatting of the labor market. The article emphasizes that an unstable environment produces not only negative consequences and additional risks for the life of the business sector and the household sector, but also provides impetus and incentives for development. After the war, the national economy can reveal a number of competitive advantages that are key to its stabilization and further development. Some of these advantages are determined by the specific context of the post-war period: infrastructural recovery, innovation opportunities, industrial modernization and the potential for new markets. However, it is important to consider that post-war competitive advantages may be temporary and gained at the expense of broad support from the international community, and therefore success will lie in the country's ability to use this period for sustainable and rational development. The formation of competitive advantages through the restoration of human capital, the modernization of production and the active implementation of innovations can ensure sustainable economic development and increase the country's competitiveness in the international market.
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