Keywords: dry rations, army ration, snack energy bars, aerial barley grains, energy value, nutrition


Snack bars are gaining more and more popularity in the world, both among the population and in food kits for military personnel. These products, as a rule, are lightweight, packed in individual packaging, have a long shelf life, and are convenient to use. The reform of the domestic army and the creation of decent conditions for providing military food necessitates the provision of multifunctional dry rations with increased indicators of nutritional, energy and biological value. In the case of rations of army food sets, the digestibility and interaction of the substances included in the composition of food products, the modern needs of the body in essential vitamins and microelements are taken into account. Modern Ukrainian soldiers emphasize the importance of a full and balanced diet, especially during hostilities. Without proper nutrition and sleep, it is impossible to fully perform your work on the front line, risking your own health and life. Due to the maximally high level of stress, the feeling of hunger is practically absent, but it is snack foods that can become an alternative for snacks. The article analyzes foreign-made army kits and reveals that most of them contain energy whole grain snack bars. The assortment of snack products presented on the domestic market was also analyzed. The prospects of developing the recipe composition and technology of snack bars with increased nutritional and energy value, rich in vitamin and mineral components, and the feasibility of including them in the diet of dry rations for military personnel were studied. It is proposed to use air grains of barley as the grain base of snack bars, which has a number of unique nutritional and therapeutic and preventive properties. The increased energy value of the bars is provided by the addition of honey and a mixture of dried fruits, which are a source of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. With the help of sensory analysis methods, the quality of the developed snack bars was evaluated and their indicators were compared with similar products of domestic production. More attractive taste-aromatic properties of new types of bars have been revealed.


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How to Cite
Cherevychna , N., Hrin, N., & Heroshenko, I. (2024). PROSPECTS OF THE USE OF SNACK BARS IN DRY RATIONS FOR MILITARY SERVANTS. Economy and Society, (59).