The article systematizes existing approaches to managing the competitiveness of an insurance company. The importance and essence of the system approach as such, which involves a perspective analysis of possible circumstances and the formulation of conditions and features of the application of predetermined alternative competitive strategies, is determined. Attention is focused on innovative and virtual approaches as such, which concentrate the efforts of managers on the activation of the involvement of innovations in the course of the activities of insurers, especially in the field of digitalization and the creation of virtual services for work with policyholders. The components of the system of managing the competitiveness of life insurance companies and its conceptual foundations are defined, it contains a set of such elements as the goal, object, subject, methodology, principles, functions, tools and levers. The management subsystem includes those management entities that determine the goals and features of making and implementing management decisions. The managed subsystem includes competitive potential, which will be determined by the involved and potentially possible competitive advantages and will be formed under the influence of factors of the internal and external environment of the insurer's functioning. The principles and functions of managing the competitiveness of life insurance companies are systematized and characterized. Attention is paid to the specification of the constituent elements of the system of ensuring the mechanism of managing the competitiveness of life insurance companies. The following components of the system are proposed for use on a practical level: regulatory and legal support; organizational support; financial and economic support; personnel support; information support; scientific and technical support. Five functional subsystems are defined as the key areas of influence of management actions to ensure and increase the competitiveness of the insurer, where competitive advantages will be formed, which together will constitute the company's competitive potential. Such subsystems can be: insurance activity management; management of the quality and competitiveness of the insurance service; insurance marketing subsystem; management of financial and investment activities; human resources.
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