Keywords: accounting, accounting reporting, information, grouping, specialized reporting, balance sheet, accounting and economic information system


The article examines the essence and role of accounting and analytical support in the management of the enterprise, the elements of the accounting and analytical system of the enterprise and their brief characteristics are given. It has been established that the accounting information system provides accounting information that reflects the full picture of the enterprise's economic activity. The issue of improving the information base for the formation of accounting reporting was considered. Systematization of the properties and qualitative characteristics of financial, management, accounting and analytical information and its classification according to various features (by types and types, by spatial and temporal aspects of formation and use, by subsystems of accounting) are given. The classification of the formation of accounting and analytical support for the management of business processes of agricultural enterprises is presented. Recommendations were given on improving accounting, grouping current and non-current assets in the balance sheet of agricultural enterprises and creating a single accounting and economic information system for them. An alternative structure of the sections of the balance sheet was proposed, new indicators were introduced, and the indicators for deciphering the balance sheet items were expanded. The recommended structure of the sections of the balance sheet will contribute to the improvement of information support for interested users. An accounting and economic information system consisting of several functional blocks has been developed and proposed: accounting, planning, forecasting, control-analytical and reporting. The presented AEIS model has a structure (blocks or subsystems, elements and relationships between them); outputs and inputs of information communication; the law of conduct; purpose and limitations. In the control and analytical unit, accounting data are checked for reliability and objectivity, and their interpretation into information is carried out.


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