The taxation system in Ukraine during military aggression and martial law is particularly vulnerable and requires a comprehensive analysis, as economic conditions during this period can significantly affect fiscal mechanisms and require adaptation of tax policy to ensure the country's sustainability and development. Thus, identifying the problems and shortcomings of the current taxation system becomes more relevant and necessary. The purpose of the article is to study the existing taxation system in Ukraine in the context of military aggression and martial law and to analyze its existing shortcomings and problems. The analysis reveals that before the full-scale Russian invasion, tax revenues accounted for approximately 80% of budget revenues. However, in 2023, non-tax revenues almost equaled tax revenues and amounted to 45%. It is established that the revenues of the State Budget of Ukraine are dominated by indirect taxes, mainly due to VAT. It is found that direct taxes, especially personal income tax and corporate income tax, have a smaller share compared to indirect taxes. It is noted that such a taxation structure differs from the developed European countries, where direct taxes prevail. The analysis found that despite the trend towards an increase in the share of direct taxes, Ukraine's taxation system remains suboptimal, and its gaps and shortcomings require further modernization and optimization. It is established that the existing taxation system of Ukraine faces problems, in particular, constant changes in legislation, the existence of many unclear taxes with a low share in tax revenues, discretion and frequent cases of blocking tax invoices, which complicate the administration processes, as well as the abolition of chamber privileges. Prospects for further research in the field of Ukraine's taxation system include a wide range of areas - it is worthwhile to study the impact of the changes on business and the economy in more depth, to conduct a comparative analysis of foreign tax practices, and to explore opportunities to improve tax administration and control. Additionally, an interesting area could be the analysis of the positive and negative impact of tax reforms on the social aspects of the population.
The 1841 Foundation Tax Hells Index 2023. URL:
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