Keywords: meat product sub-complex, meat market, meat production, agricultural enterprises, households


The article is devoted to the study of modern trends in the development of enterprises of the meat product sub-complex. The issue of development and modernization of the meat product complex of Ukraine is particularly urgent. Under the conditions of the economic crisis, devaluation and inflationary processes, the loss of the usual sales markets, the state is unable to stop the decline in the production of agricultural products, in particular in the fields of animal husbandry. In recent years, the development of domestic enterprises of the meat product sub-complex has been rather unstable. The meat product sub-complex is one of the strategic branches of the national economy, the main goal of which is to provide the population with the required amount of meat and meat products of the appropriate quality. The level of development of enterprises of the meat product sub-complex is an indicator that characterizes the level of livelihood of the population and is an important component of food security. It is one of the important components of the food complex of Ukraine, however, the unstable state of development of the complex causes concern because it is of decisive importance both for ensuring a stable socio-economic situation, food security of the country, and for improving the quality of life of the population of Ukraine. The article assesses the state and development trends of the meat product sub-complex in Ukraine based on conceptual approaches regarding the need for the development of the livestock industry. Ukraine has favorable natural and climatic factors for the production of agricultural products. Under modern conditions, the meat product sub-complex in our country and the world is one of the main producers of important protein products, which are characterized by biological completeness for the human body. Based on the analysis, the peculiarities of the functioning of enterprises in the meat processing industry of Ukraine were revealed. Quantitative and qualitative trends in the market of meat and meat products in Ukraine are considered, and factors affecting its development prospects are also determined.


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How to Cite
Boltovska , L. (2024). SPECIFICS OF FUNCTIONING AND TOPICAL DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF MEAT PRODUCT SUBCOMPLEX IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (59). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-59-113