The article provides the prerequisites and the current state of the enterprises business processes digital transformation, caused by the globalization challenges and the transition from an industrial to a digital economy. The trends in the digital world that affect the increase in the digital transformation volume have been identified. An latest research and publications analysis was carried out, as a result of which it was found that insufficient attention is paid to the specific features and role of a digital product in the enterprises digital transformation process and the economy in general. An concept analysis of "digital product" was carried out, which refers to a product or service that is mainly based on digital technologies and exists in an intangible form, is created, distributed and consumed in a digital environment. The main types of digital products are highlighted and grouped, their characteristics are presented for a better essence understanding of such products. A comparative analysis of physical and digital products was conducted, the main advantages and disadvantages of both were formed. The differences in the supply chains of physical and digital products are presented schematically, on the basis of which the main digital products features are highlighted, such as the launch speed and the absence of certain links in the supply chain, which affects the overall efficiency and development profitability and digital products launch. An advantages number provided by the enterprise's business processes digital transformation have been established, including a reduction in operating costs, an increase in the service speed, a reduction in costs for the production and product sale or service provision, and as a result, an increase in profit. The authors highlight that the business digital transformation can become a economic stability factor and a reliable source of tax revenues. In conclusion, it is stated that the digital products development and implementation will be the basis of a business that has implemented digital transformation and wants to remain on the market.
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