Keywords: competence, competency, design of managers' competence model, competence gaps, competence imbalances, competence life cycle


The article presents theoretical arguments for the definition, reveals the authors' vision of the design of the model of competences for modern era managers, and provides proposals for the toolset for improving managerial competences. Emphasis is placed on the polemical views and ambiguity of scientific positions on the essence of competences. Emphasis is placed on the terminological distinction between the terms "competence" and "competency" in the legal framework. A proposal is made to clarify the conceptual and categorical apparatus for the competence component. The main challenges of today, which serve as an impetus for the formation of new managerial competences and improvement of existing ones, are highlighted. Dominant competences of modern age managers are identified. The necessity of possessing systemic managerial competences is argued. Combinatorics of professional, personal and digital competences of a manager who holds a certain position in the organizational hierarchy or performs a corresponding role in a flat organizational structure is substantiated. A hypothesis is made regarding emergence of "competence gaps" and "competence imbalances". Preconditions and causes of imbalance in managers' competences are proved. The nature of "competence gaps" and "competence imbalances" is revealed. A proposal is made to identify the stages of managers' competences life cycle according to the logical chain "formation  development  perfection  aging  decline  termination of application (radical renewal)". The necessity of introducing a toolset for improving managers' competences in the context of establishing a balance between general organizational managerial competences and competences of individual managers who hold certain positions and perform relevant roles within the competence life cycle is proved. Proposals for the implementation of toolset for improving managerial competences under conditions of the new socio-economic reality are presented based on the results of generalization of best practices.


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How to Cite
Herasymenko, O., & Demchenko, A. (2024). MODERN MANAGERS’ COMPETENCES: DEFINITION, MODEL DESIGN, TOOLSET FOR IMPROVEMENT. Economy and Society, (59).