The article highlights the aspects of investment and innovation development of transport enterprises of Ukraine. The problematic issues of the industry and directions for their solution through the introduction of innovations and attraction of investments have been determined. It is noted that transport investments consist of funds for reconstruction, modernization, creation of new infrastructure facilities, and the investment policy should be aimed at ensuring the motivation of investors to invest funds to ensure efficient production and management in the transport industry. It is noted that the transport system of Ukraine needs investments in the modernization and renewal of infrastructure, and planning and decision-making regarding investment is carried out taking into account a number of factors at both the micro and macroeconomic levels. The data of the World Bank Logistics Performance Index (LPI) rating are highlighted, the countries with a high Logistics Performance Index and Ukraine's place in the rating are determined. Statistical data on the attraction of capital investments in transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities are given. It was noted that as a result of military actions, transport and transport infrastructure suffered significant destruction and damage, which requires significant investment and the introduction of innovations in the activities of transport and logistics enterprises. The classification of the main types of innovations that can be implemented at transport and logistics enterprises and the system of investment efficiency indicators, which includes economic, social and environmental components, are considered. Innovative approaches were considered: the use of the latest achievements in the field of equipment, technologies and production organization in the economic activity of the enterprise; movement and transportation of non-standard rare cargoes, use of equipment that meets European environmental standards and economical and ecologically clean types of fuel; use of modern information technologies, etc. The main factors influencing the investment and innovation activity of transport and logistics enterprises are determined.
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