The article analyzes the peculiarities of innovative investments and their direct impact on the economic development of the state. Considering the devastating economic losses from two years of active phase of the war, the research of innovations and ways to find investments for their implementation is particularly relevant, as only promising innovations can attract potential investors. Given the relevance of the topic under study, the aim of the research is to identify the most promising innovative segments and measures aimed at ensuring proper investment conditions. Thus, during the research, it was established that small and medium-sized businesses are a favorable landscape for regional development and, accordingly, investments in innovative projects. Using the analytical and synthetic method, it was established that sustainable post-war development is impossible without innovations, and innovations are impossible without investments. Under such circumstances, a separate assessment was given to the measures of the state, which must be taken to create a favorable investment microclimate, addressing both external and internal investments. The method of analogy and generalization made it possible to conclude that in order to prevent post-war economic recovery from stagnation, it is necessary to create attractive conditions for investors now, which include such main components as security, insurance, protection, co-investment, etc. It was justified that the activation of investment processes in innovations in Ukraine could be facilitated by industrial parks, which provide enterprises with special conditions for conducting their economic activities, in particular in terms of taxation and import of goods. Also, the research provided a clear understanding that it is best to invest in successful projects that have already proven themselves. The Ukrainian IT business has shown its resilience and adaptability to the challenges of war, thus the digital industry is one of the safest and most stable investment links, in which one can invest now without waiting for the end of hostilities, such investments today will yield a stable, positive, post-war result. Moreover, investments in digitalization can be made within the framework of the state's vector aimed at developing the technological approach "Industry 4.0" in Ukraine.
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