Keywords: leader, leadership, leader of the future, qualities of a leader, leadership in personnel management, social transformations


The article is devoted to topical issues of leadership in the conditions of changes and transformations. The topic is extremely relevant, because the world changes every day, new tasks and challenges appear that require an effective solution. And also — new tools, methods and approaches, thanks to which you can solve these problems and improve the life of the company, the country and the world. For companies, the attention to the risks related to personnel is increasing significantly. There is a need for a strong leader who is able to create stable teams, ready for changes and challenges. All this requires new qualities of a leader, accordingly, approaches to leadership are also changing. Currently, there are no ready-made recommendations on how to act for leaders during a period of change. This is because it is impossible to give advice that will be universal for all types of companies and corporate cultures. But on the basis of the changes that are taking place at a rapid pace, it is already possible to predict potential challenges and trends that will shape future leadership. Challenges for leadership will be: 1) Technologies and information literacy; 2) Purpose and meaning of work; 3) Environment of talents; 4) Morality, transparency and empathy; 5) Globalization. Potential leadership trends of the future: 1) Adaptive leadership – encouraging the team to change, flexibility and orientation to constant learning and development of new skills, both of their own and team members; 2) Empathic leadership – understanding one's own emotions and those of the team, the ability to build strong relationships in the team, providing support to employees; 3) Purposeful leadership – giving meaning to work, deep understanding of the goal (except profit), long-term vision and attention to values; 4) Remote leadership – the ability to unite a team online, to create a sense of belonging to the company in each employee; 5) Technological leadership – integration of new technologies and artificial intelligence, accelerated digitization, ability to make decisions based on large volumes of data. To successfully overcome challenges, the role of a leader must change. Instead of being a manager who manages and controls people, the leader needs to become a manager who focuses on the emotional state of the team, the spiritual interaction with team members. The focus of attention shifts from egocentrism, competition, control and stability to cooperation, delegation, diversity of opinions. The importance of effective leadership will only increase as we continue to face changing, complex and ambiguous situations.


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How to Cite
Tymoshenko, V. (2024). LEADERSHIP IN THE CONDITIONS OF SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS. Economy and Society, (59). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-59-92