Keywords: Distance learning, international distance education, international education, methods of obtaining international education, methods of obtaining education in Ukraine


The scientific article is devoted to the study of distance learning as a driver of international education in modern conditions of international education. The conceptual and categorical apparatus in the field of distance learning technologies as a method of obtaining international education is presented, in particular, the concept of "distance education" is defined, the features of distance learning and, accordingly, international education are given, and the general characteristics of distance learning technologies are also indicated. Distance education is studied as a territorially separated study of the student from the teacher; the possibility of an educational institution to independently determine the organizational and legal basis for distance learning: methodical recommendations; discipline structure, etc.; the possibility of using more technical means of education, for example, the possibility of sharing presentations, showing fragments of the text, discussing all the details of the subject of a lecture or seminar through an online video conference, etc. Peculiarities of practical application and normative regulation of distance education in Ukraine and foreign countries, in particular during the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine, have been studied and determined. The study of global trends in the development of modern distance learning technologies is analyzed. Technologies and ways of implementing distance education are given, in particular, the use of Zoom, Skype or any other platform for direct virtual conferences. The features of obtaining education in Ukraine through the use of distance technologies are correlated with the features of obtaining international education remotely. Disadvantages of distance education in Ukraine are highlighted and ways to improve it in comparison with international experience are suggested. It has been established that distance education is an effective way of attracting more and more people to education without territorial and time boundaries with the possibility of studying in any country of the world while staying at home, and therefore distance education deserves the title of an effective driver of international education, which every year acquires popularity in more and more countries of the world.


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How to Cite
Furmanenko, I. (2024). DISTANCE EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES AS A DRIVER OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION. Economy and Society, (59). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-59-74