Europe is a part of the world that annually attracts millions of tourists and is one of the most popular tourist destinations. Year-round tours to Europe appeal to avid travelers with a variety of leisure options and prices. However, not all European countries are equally attractive to tourists. For instance, France has been one of the most popular destinations for tourists in recent years. This sector is a key component of the country's economy. Italy became the second most popular tourist destination in Europe in 2023, according to the Italian Ministry of Tourism. Other popular destinations include Spain, Austria, Germany, Greece, and so on. At the same time, countries like Luxembourg, Slovenia, Estonia, Iceland, and others are much less popular tourist destinations. The purpose of this article is to explore and analyze international tourism in different countries and regions of the EU. The level of tourism development in this region is quite homogeneous. On one hand, countries in Northern Europe boast excellent tourist infrastructure and safety for foreigners. On the other hand, the main restraining factor for the rapid development of tourism is the geographical location of the states on the "periphery" of Europe with a short cool summer period and, undoubtedly, the high cost of travel. Different countries in Europe, depending on the region, have their own specificities of development in various areas. For example, Southern/Mediterranean Europe is known for its rich history, natural beauty, and culture. It specializes in mass recreational, sun, and beach tourism. Western Europe attracts tourists with its mountain resorts, cultural sites, and famous large cities. Central and Eastern Europe are actively developing their infrastructure and offer more budget options for tourists. As for Northern Europe, it is known for its natural beauty and active forms of recreation such as skiing and ecotourism. Thus, tourism is an important source of income and development for countries and regions in Europe. Its significance lies not only in the economic aspect but also in promoting cultural exchange, expanding international connections, and raising awareness of the cultural and natural heritage of different regions. The specificity of tourism development in different parts of Europe reflects the diverse natural, cultural, and economic characteristics of the regions, making each of them unique and interesting for visitors.
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