Keywords: logistics, artificial intelligence, logistics systems, logistics planning, supply chains


The article considers the importance of the formation and effective management of logistics systems based on the use of artificial intelligence as a key factor in the competitiveness of the enterprise, which is an integral part of the strategy of optimizing and increasing the productivity of its activities. The influence of artificial intelligence on the planning processes of logistics systems, taking into account the latest information and digital technologies and methods, is considered. The features of the application of intelligent algorithms and machine learning methods to optimize key aspects of logistics, such as transport routing, inventory management, and demand forecasting, are analyzed. The peculiarities of using artificial intelligence to solve the tasks of creating schedules, planning production and functional interaction with partners in the supply chain of goods and services are considered. The importance of the development of integrated artificial intelligence systems, based on which there is an opportunity to provide automation and advanced analytics for better management decision-making, is determined. Modern technological challenges and prospects for the introduction of artificial intelligence in logistics systems are considered, as well as the objective importance of personnel training to ensure the successful implementation and effective use of these technologies is proven. The functional role of data analysis in the context of logistics planning and solving supply chain forecasting tasks is studied. It has been proven that the use of artificial intelligence allows for more accurate and faster forecasts based on adaptation to dynamic changes in market conditions and internal production factors of the enterprise. The experience of successful implementation of data analysis systems in real logistics scenarios of business entities is considered. It was determined that in the context of planning logistics systems with the use of artificial intelligence, the ethical and legal aspect of its application is also of particular importance in modern conditions. The need to ensure data confidentiality and protection against cyber threats when using information technologies in the planning process is proven, and also defines ethical standards for the use of intelligent systems in logistics. The need for the development of appropriate regulatory frameworks to ensure the safety and responsible use of artificial intelligence in this area has been identified.


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How to Cite
Medvediev , I., Popova, Y., & Petrenko, O. (2024). PLANNING OF LOGISTICS SYSTEMS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Economy and Society, (59).